reminds me of my first flash!
except my first flash sucked... Keep working at it man...
2 stars for the memories
reminds me of my first flash!
except my first flash sucked... Keep working at it man...
2 stars for the memories
Thanks man, I plan on it. With some luck I'll get a lot better.
that's what all the letters spelled =P
not sure if it makes any sense and so all in all a pretty random song
however, this is about the animation, which is simply amazing
only 1 complaint
good collab, I enjoyed it, however the only part that I thought was annoying was that the author's name along the bottom got in the way. I would have preferred it be in the top right-hand corner.
Everyone else says it should be at the bottom.
a laughed so hard when the cat licked the car! LOL
im like laughing so hard im crying! man this was hulariousi like watched it 3 times nd laffed my ass off every time!
basically its just 2 sides getting more powerful until one like completely over does the other...witch is exactly like every boss battle in the games i say this...DUDE THT WAS LIKE.....HOLY FCK THT WAS AWSOME...I CANT EVAN EXPRESS HOW AWSOME THAT WAS WITH OUT LIKE SCREAMING!
lol tht animation was delicious thanks
dude this is awsome! made me laffs hard.....and i hope YOU get cancer lol
Don't wish that on people man. Sometimes it comes true, like in the case of my old english teacher who hated me.
working on more castle crasher games and such hopefully then next won't suck...
Age 30, Male
gamer =P
Joined on 3/21/08